Sunday, November 4, 2012


October has been an interesting and learning experience for me.

After arriving safely at our camp site near Loreto, Baja Sur, MX; Mike began setting up camp with minor help from me.  My largest contribution is staying out of the way!!  One of the winter campers had arrived ahead of us and had their camp set up.  About a week later several of our other friends started arriving from various points of the USA & Canada.  We had a great time visiting and catching up on everyone’s summer.  When I told everyone I was heading back to Washington in a few days and would not be back til after New Year’s, the chorus of moans were “who is going to make Pecan Pie for Christmas!?”  Isn’t it nice to be missed!! 

My son & daughter-in-law picked me up at the Portland airport and the next day I began my job of being carpenter’s helper & goffer!  My son has volunteered to build me a mother-in-law apartment at his shop.  It’s my version of “assisted living”! 

I had no idea of all the rules, regulations, supplies and downright work that go into building a dwelling.  And then we get something in place and find out “no you can’t do that like that.” Or one of us decides “no that doesn’t look right”, “let’s do it this way” or “we really should add a plug, light, different window”!

It is fun and exciting for me to watch it all come together.  We have been working a month and there are stud walls, a roof (with 2 quads sitting on it), electric wires & water pipes going EVERYWHERE, lots of blue boxes for electric outlets, phones & TV, and lights.  Whenever we need to run a wire somewhere, here comes the drill and a hole appears in one of the studs or rafters.  Looks like Bucky Beaver has been at work! 


And the other day just ahead of a big rain storm, Claude & his helpers dug a ditch & put in the outside water & sewer lines.

We should have just about a week more of wires to run, blocking to put in, windows to install and then we can call for the inspectors to come.  If that goes well, it will be time for the sheet rock people to come!

Have an enjoyable time with family & friends during this Thanksgiving Holiday  Hugs to All,  Patty

Monday, October 22, 2012


It has been brought (and non too gently) that it has been sometime since I have submitted a report.  I did have good intentions but as usual for me, I was side tracked.  Here is what I started a month ago.

September seems to have been rather busy.  Started off with a nice Labor Day weekend visit from Mike’s grandson & the 2 great grandkids.  There was a potluck in Chinook with Mike’s fishing buddy’s & their wives.  Bill made some yummy BB Cue ribs.  A few days later, we had a potluck gathering around the firepit for a guest from Italy staying with my son & daughter-in-law.

I finally got around to buying the Mexican insurance for the vehicles and then started gathering supplies in anticipation of our trip south.  I also finished the quilt for next year’s yacht club silent auction to be held in May.  I then started quilting on 1 of 3 quilts my youngest sister & me are doing for our cousin in Ohio. 

My youngest son came from Olympia a couple different times for a visit.  Once he helped his daughter bag a deer and a second time to help his renter put siding on the house.  I drove up to Puyallup to visit my middle sister and see the changes she had made to her house.  Looks good!  Mike & me drove to Westport for a last visit til spring with his sister.  Finally, after putting it off for 2 months, I gave Opal a close shearing.  We will be in VERY hot weather soon.

Mike is busily packing the two pickups, a cargo trailer, and his Bayliner.  I have been dragging my feet and he keeps wanting to know how many tubs I will have.  I finally was able to get everything to him and he found places to put everything.  By the way Mike has bought a Ford 150 4-wheel drive and a 17’ Bayliner both of which will stay in Mexico.  Our original plan was for me to drive the F-150 pulling the Bayliner.  HOWEVER, a few days before departure, the master cylinder on the clutch on the F-150 went out.  My son Claude, who among other things is a mechanic, helped Mike change it.  So now I will drive the Ford 350 with the 13’ Smokercraft boat on top and towing the 6x8 cargo trailer.

(That was as far as I had gotten, so to continue on--)

We were finally loaded and hit the road on Monday Sept 24th.  I missed a few gears starting out.  (Both pickups have standard transmissions!)  But by the time we made the Oregon border and I also pulled the seat forward a bit more, using a clutch came back to me.

We made a couple stops in central California to visit with friends.  About half way up the grapevine just after pulling out of a rest area the 150 heated up.  Steam was really pouring out.  Mike was able to pull around the corner into a gas station at the little town of Lebec to assess the situation.  We needed a mechanic.  Thank you to the gods who watch over travelers as there was a shop across the street from the gas station.  They were able to go get a new radiator, pull out the old one, install the new one and had us back on the road in about 3 hours.

AND THEN we got into the LA area and it is getting dark.  If that is light traffic, I do not want to be driving there when it’s heavy traffic!!  To top it off, we had to stop at 3 motels before we found one who would let Opal stay.

We breezed through the border crossing at Tecate and made it to Loreto in 2 ½ days.  It was hot & humid but I wasn’t complaining.  Too much that is. 

Will try and get the next installment out in a few days.  In the meantime stay safe, warm, & dry.  Hugs & Love,  Patty.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 2012

The second week of July we went to Enterprise, Wallowa Co in northeast Oregon for this year 'Reunion of Cousins'.  Had somewhere around 50 people.  There were 6 of the 7 remaining first cousins attending.  We started with 15.  Had a great visit with everyone & ate way too much.  Visited the museum & looked around in the shops in Joseph and walked around the farmers market in Enterprise.  Rain & thunderstorms can't tame us down!  We just moved our picnic into the hotel conference room!  Worked great.

Claude & Connie finally moved into their new house.  It is beautiful.  They have done a majority of the work themselves.  Still a lot to be done, but they will keep working at it.
                            See the tree on the upper left side that looks like a BB Cue Fork?
That tree is close to 100' tall.  The main trunk goes up about 50' and then branches into 3 more trunks that are each about 50' high.  Loggers call these types 'widow makers'.  You never know which way they will twist and fall when they are cut down.  Claude was nervous about which house (his or one of his neighbors)  this tree would hit if it came down when one of the winter high wind storms came along.  So!  Here is where the professionals come in.  First they cut all the branches off from the bottom up, then cut the tree into about 10' lengths.  I wouldn't want to be in that bucket!!
And this is what is left.


Connie & Claude hosted a reunion of Connie's brothers & sisters and their families about mid July.  While not all of the eight siblings were able to come, there was a nice turnout of about 20 people.  Everyone enjoyed visiting around the campfire and we all ate too much.  Again!  But they all agreed to come back next year.

 This spring before we left Mexico, Mike sold the 
 yellow Toyota pickup.  It has served us well and taken a lot of abuse.  The first few years it was in baja every mexican that saw it wanted to buy it!  I imagine it still has a few miles left for the new owner.  

Last week he finally found a replacement for the Toyota and we drove to Woodburn to take a look.  It was just what he was looking for.  It will end it's days as a 'Baja rig'!  Mike will use it to launch his boats off the beach in front of camp and to haul firewood and do other assorted chores.

Mike and friends have been busily at work catching salmon, a tuna or 2, and crabbing.  Ahh the bounty of the sea!!

Til next time, travel safe.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

June Happenings

I cannot believe it has been 2 months since coming north.  The time just seems to fly!

I have accomplished a few things.  Have made a great start on the 2013 quilt for HPYC.  I have all the T-shirts, Birds, & Fish appliqued onto the front panels.  Cut the material for the backing and found I am ONE panel short!!  I thought I had more than enough.  I can piece the last panel if I cannot match my material but I really don't want to do that and is a last resort.

Had a nice visit with my daughter and her family in the Everett area, went camping with my youngest son, and camping with my sister Bobbi.

Waiting for trailer lights to be fixed.

We are patiently? waiting to leave!

Picture this!  4 women, 7 children between 5 & 12, a 6 month old baby, AND pouring down rain!!  We at least had the children fed before the rain started.  The kids were really good and the baby is a little sweetheart!  The most fun thing for the kids the first night was to stand at the corner of the motor home awning with the rainwater funneling down onto them. Makes as much sense as some things adults find exciting!  (Some of them had to wait til the next day for their parents to bring dry clothes!!)   They all had a great time and what did it really matter?  They're young & tough!

Five of the 7 kids and the baby all slept in the motor home.  Just before going to sleep I came in from my car (where Opal & me were to sleep) looking for a snack.  Of course Bobbi had them all settled down in bed.  "Who wants frosted graham crackers?"  "We all do!"  "May we have 2?"  "Of Course!"  (What are great grand aunts good for but to stir up young children?!)  Upon my leaving to go to bed, my sister remarked "You ARE a trouble maker!"

Mike has been very busy fishing.  He spent a little over 2 weeks in the Oregon Mts trout fishing with friends who also came to fish & visit, fishing the Columbia for sturgeon, and the Pacific for salmon.  And in his spare time he's been cleaning up the campground here, chipping limbs, and cutting downed trees for the firepit.  He has everything looking pretty nice and ready for the reunions.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.  Travel safe.       

Saturday, June 2, 2012

North to Washington

To start at the end rather than the beginning, we arrived safely on Long Beach the afternoon before Mother's Day.  A few days later, Mike was setting up my satellite internet and could not lock onto the signal!  Frustrating, but maybe we just needed to check things a bit more.  Well a few more days went by, another try with the same results.  OK.  Maybe we needed a new part.  You mean the same one we replaced last spring?!!  Sometimes it is better to say 'enough', and after thinking it over, I decided to try getting DSL over the phone landline.  Equipment was sent out and I am now in the (for me) technical world again.  Now on to our journey from Loreto.

And what better way to start than with a sunrise Mike took a few days before leaving the beach for the RV park.  We go there just before Loreto Fest so we don't have to travel the mile of rocky, washboard road out to the pavement 3 times a day for a week.

Made by Chris
Made by Patty

I managed to get through Loreto Fest although there were a couple times that I had my doubts.  I could not have managed with out the generous support of my helper Chris.  She also makes and donates a quilt to the LF Raffle.  Several other volunteers would come by periodically to see if help was needed.  Thank you All!!  Our attendance was down by about half and the amount spent at the auction & raffle was also down.  A sign of the depression no doubt.  Let's hope next year will show an improvement.

Tuesday morning, May 8th, we took the RV trailer and jeep over to park in storage at Emma's in Juncalito village.  Her grandson, Leno, helped Mike to cover them for the summer.  We were on the road by 9am.  Filled the pickup with diesel in Loreto and then we both remembered things we had forgotten.  Mine was not worth returning for but Mike had forgot to turn off the propane tanks.  So back the 12 miles to Juncalito, turn off the propane, and the hotwater tank, and get my package. We were again on the road for the second time by about 10am.  Not too late a start!

The rest of the day and the next went well.  That is until we went to pull into the motel on Wednesday night.  The left front brake on the pickup seized up.  A mechanic was recommended and Mike made arrangements for him to come to the the motel the next afternoon to make repairs.  He came the next afternoon, only half an hour later than he said, took the tire off,  checked to see what parts he would need, made a trip to the auto parts store, put it all back together and was done by 7pm.  A very nice and capable young man and didn't charge an arm & leg.  Mike was pleased to have had it done so quickly.  We were only delayed a day.  And it's not like we had a time schedule to stick to!!!

We had dinner Wednesday night & breakfast the next morning in the old part of Temeculah, CA.  There were some very interesting tourist shops and I just happened to spot a quilting store that called me to come look at all the materials on display.  I managed to get out of there with only some iron-on fusible backing for my next year's tee shirt quilt.

We were back on the road early Friday morning and Saturday around 3pm we pulled into our campsite near Long Beach.  Washington that is!  What beautiful weather greeted us.  Was actually warm and almost hot!  Now to unload and reorganize.

Claude has really been working on their new house.  The biggest thing now is to set the kitchen cabinets which are due to arrive on tuesday.  (They did and Mike helped set them.)  The kitchen now has cabinets, appliances, running water and is waiting for the counter tops to arrive later this week.  That leaves the master bedroom and upstairs to carpet and a few odds and ends that need doing.  With luck they hope to move in Fourth of July weekend. 

Decks will have to wait til next year.

 Opal has joined the geriatric generation.  It seems like overnight.  She has trouble jumping in or out of the pickup.  Needs a little bit of a lift.  So she now needs to take glucosamine.  She HATES the tablets but loves the chewables.  Of course she does, they are twice as expensive!  What else
would I expect of her Highness?

Safe Travels and Wonderful Adventures to All.  



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back to the Beach

Had a great visit with Aunt Ev and other family & friends in the area but it's time for me to head to the airport.  I changed planes 4 times, had 2 five hour layovers (Austin & Los Angelos) and finally arrived in Loreto 22 hours later!  For the second time in a row, I was the last one through customs.  At least this time I got the green light!!  Mike & Opal were patiently waiting to greet me and take me to our home on the beach.

The next day, Friday, Mike headed to a little town south of LaPaz to fish and visit with longtime friends, John & Patrice.  He was gone about a week and brought home some delicious Pargo Rojo (Dog Snapper).

Like these caught last year

My niece was coming for a visit after spending a week with her cousin in Long Beach, WA.  They are restoring a 1940 Chevy pickup her Dad bought her while she was in High School. Claude has this pickup in a 100 pieces!  They sanded, bondoed, sanded, primered, sanded, primered, & 1 coat of paint.   Here's what they accomplished in a week.

Lona was due here on Monday in the late afternoon or early evening.  Driving from Los Cabos she was lost a couple times and by the time she arrived at the port it was just about midnight.  Rather than try to find her way to our camp in the dark (this is nearly impossible even for those of us who know how to get here!), she spent what remained of the night in her car in front of our local tienda (store).  I was very glad to see her early the next morning.  We enjoyed a couple trips to town, meals at a few of the different cafes & restaurants, walking the dog, a hike up one of the canyons, sitting around visiting drinking coffee or iced tea, a boat ride, and snorkeling a few times.

Lona left here to drive back to Cabo the day before she was to catch her return flight.  Good thing because she was lost again and finally called a taxi to pilot her!  All ended well but not a very relaxing way to end her trip. 

Mike and friends Dale, & Bob, went fishing with Senor Torres and caught a total of 11 Yellowtail.  Mike brought home 3 nice fish.  I canned 31 pints, 6 half pints, and 15 pints of scraps for Opal.  I have 2 dozen empty jars left, so maybe Mike can bring a couple more yellowtail home to can before I get too busy with Loreto Fest.

Yellowtail similar to this one caught 3 years ago

Easter is a big camping time for Mexican families.  We had more campers on this beach this year than we have had in the past.  It is great to see everyone together.  They bring the WHOLE family, from little babies to grandparents.  Everyone has a great time.  Kids & adult 'kids' ride their ATV's, (which causes the dogs to bark!), go swimming, or just visit around the fire and there is lots of laughter.  We don't have music playing all night, just half the night!  All is good!!

Loreto Fest is off to a slow start this year.  I have my part (mostly) under control.  All I need now are donations, volunteers to help me, and people to make auction bids & buy raffle tickets.  I sure ask a lot!  Will let you know how it all turns out.

Safe travels to All.  

Monday, March 12, 2012


Monday February 13 I arrived in Stuart for a visit with my Aunt.  I had a day of unpacking & rest and spotted a dolphin swim by in front of the house before we were off and running.  We attended a formal function of her Yacht Club, a Soroptimist luncheon meeting, and a couple dinners & breakfasts with family & friends.

A week after arriving we headed to Fort Pierce and the St Lucie County Fair where Ev & her manager Todd had booked 3 of the food wagons.  There was the Lemonade, the Daiquiri, & the Ice Cream.  They make REALLY good ice cream!

We stayed in her motorhome while we were there.  Does this look like we had to 'rough it' too bad?!

A special treat was watchin out the front window while the Budweiser Clydesdale horses were being exercised.  One groom would be leading 3 of the big boys.  And there were 3 sets of 3 horses.  It was hard to see the groom as these horses are a minimum of 6 foot at the shoulder.  They are really beautiful.

Remember where the dog is going

  I didn't get a good picture of the teams in all their splendor during their tour around the fairgrounds but was able to catch them being unharnessed.

Another treat was watching a demonstration of the St Lucie County Sheriff's K9 units.  They had 3 dogs there that day of 3 different breeds of shepard.  Dutch, German, & another one that I never heard of & can't remember the name of.  These dogs & their handlers are remarkable.  On command the dog will attack deputy (who is acting as the bad guy),  stop immediately, or abort their attack when told.  When the dog is 'at ease' the same deputy he had just attacked can pet or hug him.  They are not vicious, just very well trained.  Lots of time and patience go into the training of these dogs and their handlers.

Sometimes I would take Rascal (a miniature sized Opal)  who is full of energy & vinegar, across the road for his duties.  A couple of nights I heard what I thought was a bullfrog croaking in the slue or drainage ditch.  A few days later, a fellow walking by asked me if I had seen the alligator laying right there with just his head showing!  Which is the ditch just in front of the motorhome where the Dalmation went down to get a drink of water.  So this was my 'bullfrog'!!  Needless to say, I was a bit more cautious from then on.

We headed back to Stuart after about 10 days.  Among other things, Ev & me attended a political cocktail fundraiser (my first) for a candidate running for Martin County sheriff.  She has known this man and his family for several years.  And from what I could tell, he is extremely well qualified and a nice man also.  The event was held at the home of one of his backers that was more of a mansion than a house.

Sunday March 11 we drove to Miami to watch the Odysseo Production.  It is a combination of well trained beautiful horses of many different breeds, trick riders, acrobats, & gymnists.  The performers were all very enthusiastic in their riding skills, most of which were done at a full gallop, the costumes were elaborately beautiful, the trick riders very daring, and the acrobats & gymnists flipped or hung breath takingly from a variety of objects.  The music and singing was done by live performers and very beautiful if sometimes a bit loud.  We were entertained and well fed and we both enjoyed it immensely.  The show was well worth the price of our VIP tickets.  We were not allowed to take pictures but I bought a video and will share it with those who are interested in watching it.

I only have a week and half left of my visit with Aunt Ev.  During the remaining time we have scheduled 2 luncheons, a dinner to attend, and a St Patricks dinner to host.  I am sure with her busy schedule she will have a few other things to attend also!

I think I have gotten all the items folks back in Baja have requested me to get.  The list wasn't very long and it helped that Richard is having his items mailed here to the house.

I have had a great time here with Aunt Ev but soon I will be back at Puerto Escondido and preparing for this year's Silent Auction & Raffle.  See you all down the road!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Beach Happenings

The first of the month Mike, me, & 3 other couples drove the 70 or so miles across the peninsula to the Pacific side to the small village of Lopez Mateo to view Gray Whales.  We hired 2 pangas because they were limiting the boats to 6 people each plus the captain.  A very nice couple from Gig Harbor joined Mike, me, Diane, & Jay in one boat and our two other couples went in the second boat. 

We had only gone a short distance from the dock, perhaps a 1/4 mile, when we encountered our first whale. 

After  admiring this one, we went just a little further and met a mother with a month old calf.  (Our captain could tell the age by the size).

We had the experience of a lifetime with this pair!  They stayed with us and the other boats for about two hours.  Time & again Mom & Baby would come along side our boats and let us touch & rub them!!  


Almost everyone of us were able to do this including me!  What an honor from these tremendous creatures!!!  They also seemed to have a sense of humor as they would get close to the boats and spray us with their blows! 

We also saw a mom with a calf the captain said was a day old.  They were more bashful and we did not bother them.  To say we all had a wonderful day is putting it mildly!

Our beach seems to be the place to drop unwanted dogs & pups.  Some of the campers will see to the feeding, fattening up, and finding homes for these unwanted creatures.  Such was the case of 4 young pups.  (Who all now have loving families.)  They seemed to be friendly, smart and well proportioned good looking dogs.  One of our Canadian campers was asked if he & his wife would like to adopt one.  Emphatically he said "I do not want a dog, I do not like dogs, I do not have room for one!!"  The following picture tells all!
 Is this the same person?   "I do not want a dog!"

 One Thursday several of us went in to Loreto to an 'All you can Eat' Pizza at one of the hotels because one of our Canadian campers will be heading north soon and Jan likes pizza very much.  (It was pretty good.)  The hotel also had some pretty good music.  She was finally able to talk her husband in to taking a turn on the dance floor!

On Super Bowl Sunday we had a Brunch potluck.  We sure have some great cooks on this beach!  No one went home hungry but I did hear a few complaints about having eaten too much!!

Then on Tuesday Joan & Henry hosted a Full Moon hotdog roast.

They had a great fire for roasting and later we enjoyed visiting with our neighbors.  Joan had some of the newcomers tell a little bit about themselves.  And then she directed a Baja version of musical chairs!  All great fun.  We were also entertained by our beach granddaughter.  She is 5 and full of energy.  She keeps us smiling.

This morning, Wednesday, we had RAIN!  Started out as a few drops, quit, but soon got real serious.  Lasted maybe an hour and then the sun returned.  This is a very dry area so I am sure the moisture was welcomed by the local farmers & ranchers.  (Our forecast is for sporadic rain the next couple days.)

Sunday I am off to Florida for a visit with my aunt & some of the cousins.  And I will have cell service again!!  Mike and Opal will take care of things here at Rattlesnake Beach.

See you down the road (or talk to you on the phone)!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 2012

We started 2012 with a well attended noon Brunch.  One couple cooked hotcakes and bacon, there were some delicious egg casserole dishes and I made a batch of cinnamon rolls that was better than any I have done for at least 25 years!!  We all decided we need more brunches but have not set a date.  YET, that is!

We also had a little excitement the other day.  One of our Canadian neighbors was out fishing and had an emergency.  It turned out to be minor but could have been disastrous.  He has a Zodiac boat and a valve in one of the 3 float chambers wasn't working.  He lost the air in that one.  In addition, he didn't realize that the drain plug had come loose. The boat was taking on water.  That really panicked him!  He was quite a ways from shore.  He called for help on the marine radio and Lyn from the sailboat 'Endless Summer' went to the rescue in  his dinghy and escorted    him back here to our beach.   

The fellow with the white hat is the fisherman.  What do you think everyone is telling him?

About the middle of the month we had a paella potluck here on the beach.  Several folks had not heard of Paella much less eaten it.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it and they want to know when the next one will be!  That's a good sign, right?
Help from my good friend

My youngest sister finally got around to making a double wedding ring quilt for herself.  The catch was that she wanted me to hand quilt it for her.  This is a very large quilt!  So OK, I'll do my best.    There are 72 Flowers and 162 ellipticals.  I was almost done when I discovered I had the points of 3 of my flowers going the wrong way!  I thought of leaving them as is.  It was just before I went to bed so I was pretty annoyed as well as tired.  Next day I decided I couldn't leave them.  I would redo those 3 when I had finished the rest of the flowers.  WELL!  I thought I would cut the thread on the wrong ones so I could find them later.  But instead! I cut one of the flowers going the right way!!  Then I WAS annoyed!!!  But it's all mended now and all flowers are pointed the same way.  I am so glad to be done!  I will mail it off to her to finish when I go to Florida next month.

Showing one fourth of finished quilt

Now I am without a project!   I will do some reading, a small crochet project, take the dog (or she will take me) for walks, shear the dog, visit with the neighbors, bake something in the solar oven and go to Sunday farmer markets.  What do we do with all our spare time!!

On a windy day last week (we seem to have had a lot of wind this winter), Jay & Diane in their car and Mike, me, & Opal in our car decided to take a drive to San Barsillio.  None of us had ever been there before.  We drove north about 45 kilometers before turning east off Hiway One onto the WORST sandy, rocky, washboard road I have been on for at least a year!  Seemed like it went on for miles.  At the end of the road was a beautiful bay where several people were camped.  Two of the camps held people who camp here with us on our beach.  One fellow hadn't made it this far south yet and the other couple had gone there for the kayaking.  After a nice visit we headed back south and stopped in Loreto for a tasty dinner at our favorite steak house 'Domingos'.  A very nice ending to a most enjoyable day.

 A few days later, we were gathered at the camp of Bob & Susan who were getting ready to move on for a little sight seeing before heading back to the states.  Imagine our surprise when Gloria came walking into the group with a GOAT  hot on her heels.  She said it had wanted to come into her trailer!  (Not surprising if you know goats!)  The goat, a female, wasn't afraid of people or the dogs.  At least not until Opal & Abby wanted to chase her!  Our dogs were quickly tied up.  (Opal made such a nuisance of herself whining that I had to take her home.)  Several of the ladies were having quite a time feeding and watering the goat.  The next morning she was taken to the neighboring village and handed over to one of the farmers there. 

She ended up drinking over a quart of water!

Jan showed me where the lettuce patch is!

With January over, it seems that spring should not be too long in coming.  We will see!
Safe Travels.  Hugs & Love to All.