Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 2012

We started 2012 with a well attended noon Brunch.  One couple cooked hotcakes and bacon, there were some delicious egg casserole dishes and I made a batch of cinnamon rolls that was better than any I have done for at least 25 years!!  We all decided we need more brunches but have not set a date.  YET, that is!

We also had a little excitement the other day.  One of our Canadian neighbors was out fishing and had an emergency.  It turned out to be minor but could have been disastrous.  He has a Zodiac boat and a valve in one of the 3 float chambers wasn't working.  He lost the air in that one.  In addition, he didn't realize that the drain plug had come loose. The boat was taking on water.  That really panicked him!  He was quite a ways from shore.  He called for help on the marine radio and Lyn from the sailboat 'Endless Summer' went to the rescue in  his dinghy and escorted    him back here to our beach.   

The fellow with the white hat is the fisherman.  What do you think everyone is telling him?

About the middle of the month we had a paella potluck here on the beach.  Several folks had not heard of Paella much less eaten it.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it and they want to know when the next one will be!  That's a good sign, right?
Help from my good friend

My youngest sister finally got around to making a double wedding ring quilt for herself.  The catch was that she wanted me to hand quilt it for her.  This is a very large quilt!  So OK, I'll do my best.    There are 72 Flowers and 162 ellipticals.  I was almost done when I discovered I had the points of 3 of my flowers going the wrong way!  I thought of leaving them as is.  It was just before I went to bed so I was pretty annoyed as well as tired.  Next day I decided I couldn't leave them.  I would redo those 3 when I had finished the rest of the flowers.  WELL!  I thought I would cut the thread on the wrong ones so I could find them later.  But instead! I cut one of the flowers going the right way!!  Then I WAS annoyed!!!  But it's all mended now and all flowers are pointed the same way.  I am so glad to be done!  I will mail it off to her to finish when I go to Florida next month.

Showing one fourth of finished quilt

Now I am without a project!   I will do some reading, a small crochet project, take the dog (or she will take me) for walks, shear the dog, visit with the neighbors, bake something in the solar oven and go to Sunday farmer markets.  What do we do with all our spare time!!

On a windy day last week (we seem to have had a lot of wind this winter), Jay & Diane in their car and Mike, me, & Opal in our car decided to take a drive to San Barsillio.  None of us had ever been there before.  We drove north about 45 kilometers before turning east off Hiway One onto the WORST sandy, rocky, washboard road I have been on for at least a year!  Seemed like it went on for miles.  At the end of the road was a beautiful bay where several people were camped.  Two of the camps held people who camp here with us on our beach.  One fellow hadn't made it this far south yet and the other couple had gone there for the kayaking.  After a nice visit we headed back south and stopped in Loreto for a tasty dinner at our favorite steak house 'Domingos'.  A very nice ending to a most enjoyable day.

 A few days later, we were gathered at the camp of Bob & Susan who were getting ready to move on for a little sight seeing before heading back to the states.  Imagine our surprise when Gloria came walking into the group with a GOAT  hot on her heels.  She said it had wanted to come into her trailer!  (Not surprising if you know goats!)  The goat, a female, wasn't afraid of people or the dogs.  At least not until Opal & Abby wanted to chase her!  Our dogs were quickly tied up.  (Opal made such a nuisance of herself whining that I had to take her home.)  Several of the ladies were having quite a time feeding and watering the goat.  The next morning she was taken to the neighboring village and handed over to one of the farmers there. 

She ended up drinking over a quart of water!

Jan showed me where the lettuce patch is!

With January over, it seems that spring should not be too long in coming.  We will see!
Safe Travels.  Hugs & Love to All.