Monday, October 22, 2012


It has been brought (and non too gently) that it has been sometime since I have submitted a report.  I did have good intentions but as usual for me, I was side tracked.  Here is what I started a month ago.

September seems to have been rather busy.  Started off with a nice Labor Day weekend visit from Mike’s grandson & the 2 great grandkids.  There was a potluck in Chinook with Mike’s fishing buddy’s & their wives.  Bill made some yummy BB Cue ribs.  A few days later, we had a potluck gathering around the firepit for a guest from Italy staying with my son & daughter-in-law.

I finally got around to buying the Mexican insurance for the vehicles and then started gathering supplies in anticipation of our trip south.  I also finished the quilt for next year’s yacht club silent auction to be held in May.  I then started quilting on 1 of 3 quilts my youngest sister & me are doing for our cousin in Ohio. 

My youngest son came from Olympia a couple different times for a visit.  Once he helped his daughter bag a deer and a second time to help his renter put siding on the house.  I drove up to Puyallup to visit my middle sister and see the changes she had made to her house.  Looks good!  Mike & me drove to Westport for a last visit til spring with his sister.  Finally, after putting it off for 2 months, I gave Opal a close shearing.  We will be in VERY hot weather soon.

Mike is busily packing the two pickups, a cargo trailer, and his Bayliner.  I have been dragging my feet and he keeps wanting to know how many tubs I will have.  I finally was able to get everything to him and he found places to put everything.  By the way Mike has bought a Ford 150 4-wheel drive and a 17’ Bayliner both of which will stay in Mexico.  Our original plan was for me to drive the F-150 pulling the Bayliner.  HOWEVER, a few days before departure, the master cylinder on the clutch on the F-150 went out.  My son Claude, who among other things is a mechanic, helped Mike change it.  So now I will drive the Ford 350 with the 13’ Smokercraft boat on top and towing the 6x8 cargo trailer.

(That was as far as I had gotten, so to continue on--)

We were finally loaded and hit the road on Monday Sept 24th.  I missed a few gears starting out.  (Both pickups have standard transmissions!)  But by the time we made the Oregon border and I also pulled the seat forward a bit more, using a clutch came back to me.

We made a couple stops in central California to visit with friends.  About half way up the grapevine just after pulling out of a rest area the 150 heated up.  Steam was really pouring out.  Mike was able to pull around the corner into a gas station at the little town of Lebec to assess the situation.  We needed a mechanic.  Thank you to the gods who watch over travelers as there was a shop across the street from the gas station.  They were able to go get a new radiator, pull out the old one, install the new one and had us back on the road in about 3 hours.

AND THEN we got into the LA area and it is getting dark.  If that is light traffic, I do not want to be driving there when it’s heavy traffic!!  To top it off, we had to stop at 3 motels before we found one who would let Opal stay.

We breezed through the border crossing at Tecate and made it to Loreto in 2 ½ days.  It was hot & humid but I wasn’t complaining.  Too much that is. 

Will try and get the next installment out in a few days.  In the meantime stay safe, warm, & dry.  Hugs & Love,  Patty.