Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Aug-Sept 2013

How come I always put off writing on my blog for so long!?  Don’t know, but I really do have good intentions, just no follow through!
August was very busy for me.  We had 3 family get togethers at the outdoor kitchen area.  They were enjoyed by all who attended.

I started creating the squares for Connie’s beach theme quilt. This will be a fun project for me.  I also quilted the center of the 3rd Lone Star Quilt & sewed it together  to finish later in Baja.  Joined the ‘Quilts from the Heart’ club who make quilts for the different emergency groups, EMT’s, Fire, & Police; who give them to victims of various disasters in our area.

I was finally able to track down  a local Red Hat Society group in Long Beach (they had their picture in the paper!) and made contact with a couple other clubs out of the area.  It’s fun to have lunch and get to know the other ladies and of course dress up in lots of Bling!

I canned razor clams from Mike’s sister, Marva, as well as Salmon & Tuna that Mike caught. 

Mid month of Aug, I went to a memorial picnic in Salem for one of the cousins.  Nice gathering and saw some cousins I hadn’t seen in a while.  As long as I was on the road, I continued around Oregon and Washington visiting friends & family.  Stops at Sandy, Maupin (to visit my girlfriend the mayor!), Yakima,  Snohomish & Olympia.

Had a couple of adventures along the way.  At the picnic in Salem, my flip top cell phone broke at the hinge.  Stopped at a big mall along I-5 and bought a new one.  Oh Yes!  The nice young lady says, your cords from the old phone will fit the new one!  Well, no they didn’t.  Phone battery went dead in Yakima while getting directions to my girlfriend’s house.   Tried to charge it but the cord couldn’t make contact.  Fortunately I knew where WalMart was and bought a new one that did fit.  

I was also hungry for fresh peaches and Yakima is a big fruit producing area.  Bought a half dozen or so.  They looked and smelled wonderful.  This was on Monday.  By Saturday when I was in Snohomish they were STILL not ripe!  My daughter & me sliced them up and she made a peach crisp that was delicious.

On my way back to the beach I stopped in Olympia for a short visit with son & daughter (in-law) Wayne & Shelly. 

When I finally got home I thought it was time to start packing tubs for Mike to load into the cargo trailer & back of pickup to make the trip to Baja.  Takes me forever and usually I don’t have the last couple ready til the day before we leave!  Mike is very patient saying there is no hurry and we have lots of time.

About a week after Labor day, I had a frantic call from my niece in Seattle.  There was a dining set she had been eyeing for a couple years and it was on sale!  Problem was the only one in the area was across the river in Astoria.  Could I possibly go pick it up for her.   Well certainly I could do that!  Got it home & stored  it in Claude’s big shop and they would come get it when they could.  A few days later, I decided I could deliver it to her the next weekend  as I had more time than they did.  Then I learned a brother (who lives in Montana) of my daughter-in-law, Connie, had bought a piece of furniture from Seattle that needed to be brought to the beach.  Perfect.  Load going up and a load coming back!  Then, a friend (who lives in Long Beach) of my son in Olympia, had a gun that needed to go to  Cabela’s in Olympia.  Sure, lots of room!  So I drop the gun off to Wayne to take to Cabela’s, and continue to my niece where we unload the dining set.  She was thrilled to get the table & chairs and have them delivered.   

I made arrangements with the store to pick up the armoire the next day.  I was able to convince my niece to copilot for me.  What a gal!!  With her along who needs a GPS?!  She had me in the right lane at the right time.  Did I mention this is downtown Seattle?  AND I am pulling my small 5’x8’ cargo trailer?  However we arrived with little trouble at the Antique store, pulled around the block to the alley where the ‘loading’ dock is.  Surprise!  This is a very narrow alley (just the width of a vehicle) with construction fencing on one side.  So much for pulling in and turning around.  Two very nice men loaded the piece into my cargo trailer.  Then my niece goes out to the street where she has to stop me twice for cars to go by.  The original plan was to back straight across the street into the alley opposite & then pull forward into my lane & proceed.  I was having such good luck backing out that when I was midway into the street I made a 90* turn, Michelle jumped in, and we were on our way.  HOWEVER, we were not quite sure how to get back to the freeway.  We spotted a big bus and followed it for a short distance til we could get the GPS programed to head for home.  Once on the freeway & stress free, we all (we had my 2 very young grand nieces with us) decided we needed ice cream and chocolate!!!  (I actually wanted a Rum & Fresca but with 2 impressionable girls along, thought it better  not to mention that!)

After dropping niece & children at their home I headed for Olympia.  I picked up the gun along with some Harley Davidson chrome parts son Claude had asked his brother to pick up for him!  I am considering going into deliveries and pickups!! 

By the end of September we were finally all packed up, loose ends tied, family obligations taken care of and we left for the trip south the last week of September.  Stayed a couple nights in Riverbank with friends who are always so gracious to us.

Had no  problems during the trip, that is until we reached Temeculah, CA which is an hour or two before crossing the border at Tecate.  It is late, dark, and the motel we usually stay at is FULL.  So are the next 2-3 motels or else they don’t allow dogs.  Rats!!!  Finally locate one that does have a room for us & Opal.  So with directions we head towards it.  To complicate matters, I mistakenly have Mike turn a few blocks before we should.  Finally, after going around the block a couple more times, we arrive.  VERY expensive but at this point I don’t care.  I just wanted a room for the night!
We arrive a few days later to our destination of Puerto Escondido and greet friends already there and others as they arrive.

There have been several rains and all the vegetation is lush and SO ARE THE BUGS!!!!  When we first arrived these plants were in bloom all over but I didn’t get around to taking their picture.  Coming back from town the other day I spotted these.  They are called Coral Vine.  They climb any vegetation they are near.  Picture doesn’t quite do them justice as they are quite showy and a beautiful magenta color.

          Life is one adventure after another!!  But enough for now.
                                      Many Hugs to All,  Patty.

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